Lehrstuhlabend 2022 on Oct 19th

Whether you are interested in the field of Computer Vision, unsure what that actually is or simply eager to get a behind-the-scenes look at a research group, you should mark your calendars! On October 19th, 2022 starting at 5pm we will host the first “Lehrstuhlabend” of Winter Term 2022/2023, a series organized by the FSR…

A ELLIS Unit for Jena

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) started four new units across Europe including one in Jena. Together with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the Institute for Data Science of the German Aerospace Center the Friedrich Schiller University Jena represented by the Computer Vision Jena joined the network as an organized…

Qualification for the Federal Round of Jugend Forscht and a Special Award

In the context of a pupils project, Susann Janetzki qualified for the federal round of the “Jugend Forscht” competition. Additionally, she received a special award “Rundfunk-, Fernseh- und Informationstechnik” sponsored by Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung. Supervised by Christian Reimers, she worked on the topic “Die Würfel sind gefallen: Strategieoptimierung des Spieles Qwixx durch maschinelles Lernen”. She utilized an evolutionary…