
The education in the area of digital image processing and computer vision is split into basic courses and advanced courses on specific topics. Basic courses are Mustererkennung, Rechnersehen 1, Rechnersehen 2 and Visuelle Objekterkennung. They provide knowledge to successfully work in industrial research and development later. Furthermore, finishing most of them is highly recommended before applying for project and thesis works at our group.

In addition to these basics course there are advanced courses on different specific topics like signal processing, deep learning, state estimation, or machine learning and data mining. Finally, there are seminars and labs (practical projects) each semester for more research-oriented courses.

Typically, our courses are accompanied by practical programming exercises for a hands-on experience of learned concepts and algorithms. There is a special focus on implementing computer vision algorithms efficiently, and working with real world data examples. Without implementing methods and applying them to own real world images, the essential concepts behind image processing and computer vision techniques are way harder to grasp.