Best Paper Award at ISVC 2023

We are very excited to report that the paper From Faces To Volumes – Measuring Volumetric Asymmetry in 3D Facial Palsy Scansby Tim Büchner, Sven Sickert, Gerd Fabian Volk, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius and Joachim Denzler won the Best Paper Award at the 2023 International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC)! The conference took place October 16-18, 2023…

Poster Award at DZPG Retreat

Recently, at the 1st DZPG Retreat of the ZIHUb Mental Health Alliance, Maha Shadaydeh presented the paper Analyzing the Direction of Emotional Influence in Nonverbal Dyadic Communication: A Facial-Expression Studyby Maha Shadaydeh, Lea Müller, Dana Schneider, Martin Thümmel, Thomas Kessler and Joachim Denzler and won the Poster Presentation Award! Their work served as initial discussion…

Best Paper Award at Acivs 2023

We are very happy to report that the paper Improved Obstructed Facial Feature Reconstruction for Emotion Recognition with Minimal Change CycleGANsby Tim Büchner, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius and Joachim Denzler won the Best Paper Award at the 2023 conference Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (Acivs)! The conference took place August 21-23, 2023 in Kumamoto, Japan, where…

Publication at ECCV 2022 workshop

A paper of our group has been accepted for publication at the 2nd Causality in Vision Workshop at ECCV 2022! “Investigating Neural Network Training on a Feature Level using Conditional Independence” by Niklas Penzel, Christian Reimers, Paul Bodesheim and Joachim Denzler. This work will be presented during the conference which takes place October 23-27, 2022…

Publication at ICPR 2022

A paper of our group has been accepted for publication at the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)! Occlusion-Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks via Inverted Cutout by Matthias Körschens, Paul Bodesheim, and Joachim Denzler. This work will be presented during the conference which takes place August 21-25, 2022 in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Publication at CVPR 2022 workshop

A paper of our group has been accepted for publication at the Ninth Workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization @ CVPR 2022: Automated Visual Monitoring of Nocturnal Insects with Light-based Camera Traps by Dimitri Korsch, Paul Bodesheim, Gunnar Brehm and Joachim Denzler. This work will be presented during the workshop on June 19th in New Orleans, Louisiana,…

Four papers accepted at GCPR 2021

Four papers from our group have been accepted for publication at the DAGM German Conference for Pattern Recognition (DAGM-GCPR) 2021: Dimitri Korsch and Paul Bodesheim and Joachim Denzler:End-to-end Learning of Fisher Vector Encodings for Part Features in Fine-grained Recognition Matthias Körschens and Paul Bodesheim and Christine Römermann and Solveig Franziska Bucher and Mirco Migliavacca and Josephine…