Publication at CVPR 2025

We are happy to report that our group has an accepted publication at the IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) 2025: Tim Büchner, Christoph Anders, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, and Joachim Denzler:Electromyography-Informed Facial Expression Reconstruction For Physiological-Based Synthesis and Analysis This will be presented in person at the conference, held at the  Music…

Publication at ICLR 2025

We are happy to report that our group has an accepted publication at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2025: Gideon Stein, Maha Shadaydeh, Jan Blunk, Niklas Penzel, and Joachim DenzlerCausalRivers – Scaling up benchmarking of causal discovery for real-world time-series This will be presented in person at the conference, which will be held…