@misc{reichstein2016potential, type = {misc}, key = {reichstein2016potential}, title = {Potential of new machine learning methods for understanding long-term interannual variability of carbon and energy fluxes and states from site to global scale}, author = {Markus Reichstein and Martin Jung and Paul Bodesheim and Miguel D. Mahecha and Fabian Gans and Erik Rodner and Gustau Camps-Valls and Dario Papale and Gianluca Tramontana and Joachim Denzler and Dennis D. Baldocchi}, howpublished = {American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU): Abstract + Oral Presentation}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Machine learning tools have been very successful in describing and predicting instantaneous climatic influences on the spatial and seasonal variability of biosphere-atmosphere exchange, while interannual variability is harder to model (e.g. Jung et al. 2011, JGR Biogeosciences). Here we hypothesize that innterannual variability is harder to describe for two reasons. 1) The signal-to-noise ratio in both, predictors (e.g. remote sensing) and target variables (e.g. net ecosystem exchange) is relatively weak, 2) The employed machine learning methods do not sufficiently account for dynamic lag and carry-over effects. In this presentation we can largely confirm both hypotheses: 1) We show that based on FLUXNET data and an ensemble of machine learning methods we can arrive at estimates of global NEE that correlate well with the residual land sink overall and CO2 flux inversions over latitudinal bands. Furthermore these results highlight the importance of variations in water availability for variations in carbon fluxes locally, while globally, as a scale-emergent property, tropical temperatures correlate well with the atmospheric CO2 growth rate, because of spatial anticorrelation and compensation of water availability. 2) We evidence with synthetic and real data that machine learning methods with embed dynamic memory effects of the system such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are able to better capture lag and carry-over effect which are caused by dynamic carbon pools in vegetation and soils. For these methods, long-term replicate observations are an essential asset.}, url = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AGUFM.B44A..07R/abstract}, }