@inproceedings{kaehler2008robust, type = {inproceedings}, key = {kaehler2008robust}, title = {Robust Real-Time SFM in a Combined Formulation of Tracking and Reconstruction}, author = {Olaf Kähler and Joachim Denzler}, booktitle = {International Fall Workshop Vision, Modelling, and Visualization (VMV)}, year = {2008}, address = {Konstanz}, editor = {Oliver Deussen and Daniel Keim and Dietmar Saupe}, month = {October}, pages = {283-292}, abstract = {Recently it was observed, that a combined formulation of tracking and reconstruction increases the robustness and accuracy of both these steps in structure-from-motion problems [9]. However, the benefits come at the cost of a higher computational complexity. In this work, we present strategies for an efficient implementation of such a combined approach. We identify the time consuming steps in the system and analyze opportunities for simplifying and parallelizing the original problem. An evaluation of the overall system is presented and we show, that frame rates of 5 fps and beyond are achieved on current hardware, without significant losses in robustness and accuracy.}, groups = {planarreconstruct}, }