@inproceedings{jung2014ensemble, type = {inproceedings}, key = {jung2014ensemble}, title = {An ensemble of global high-resolution products of energy fluxes over land}, author = {Martin Jung and Kazuhito Ichii and Gustau Camps-Valls and Dario Papale and Gianluca Tramontana and Sven Sickert and Christopher Schwalm and Markus Reichstein}, booktitle = {International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle (GEWEX)}, year = {2014}, address = {The Hague, the Netherlands}, note = {Poster}, abstract = {We present an ensemble of global high-resolution energy flux products over land derived from upscaling FLUXNET eddy covariance observations with multiple machine learning methods using an array of remote sensing data. The products cover latent heat, sensible heat, ground heat fluxes, as well as net radiation over the period 2001-2012 at 8 daily temporal and 0.0833 degree spatial resolution. To account for the energy balance closure gap of eddy covariance measurements, five different energy balance correction techniques were used that correspond to different hypothesis of the causes of the energy balance closure gap. Hence, in total six different variants of sensible and latent heat flux products are available that allow quantifying uncertainties. We evaluate our products using cross-validation at site level and against various independent observation based data streams including latent and sensible heat fluxes derived from runoff, precipitation, and net radiation data from large river basins. Our products are a valuable source to evaluate or calibrate global land surface models. In conjunction with a complementary set of products for global carbon fluxes, our products are suitable to better understand the global variability of the land water, energy, and carbon cycles especially with regard to their co-variations and interactions.}, groups = {climateinformatics}, }