@misc{flach2016using, type = {misc}, key = {flach2016using}, title = {Using Statistical Process Control for detecting anomalies in multivariate spatiotemporal Earth Observations}, author = {Milan Flach and Miguel Mahecha and Fabian Gans and Erik Rodner and Paul Bodesheim and Yanira Guanche-Garcia and Alexander Brenning and Joachim Denzler and Markus Reichstein}, howpublished = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU): Abstract + Oral Presentation}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The number of available Earth observations (EOs) is currently substantially increasing. Detecting anomalous pat-terns in these multivariate time series is an important step in identifying changes in the underlying dynamicalsystem. Likewise, data quality issues might result in anomalous multivariate data constellations and have to beidentified before corrupting subsequent analyses. In industrial application a common strategy is to monitor pro-duction chains with several sensors coupled to some statistical process control (SPC) algorithm. The basic ideais to raise an alarm when these sensor data depict some anomalous pattern according to the SPC, i.e. the produc-tion chain is considered ’out of control’. In fact, the industrial applications are conceptually similar to the on-linemonitoring of EOs. However, algorithms used in the context of SPC or process monitoring are rarely consideredfor supervising multivariate spatio-temporal Earth observations. The objective of this study is to exploit the poten-tial and transferability of SPC concepts to Earth system applications. We compare a range of different algorithmstypically applied by SPC systems and evaluate their capability to detect e.g. known extreme events in land sur-face processes. Specifically two main issues are addressed: (1) identifying the most suitable combination of datapre-processing and detection algorithm for a specific type of event and (2) analyzing the limits of the individual ap-proaches with respect to the magnitude, spatio-temporal size of the event as well as the data’s signal to noise ratio.Extensive artificial data sets that represent the typical properties of Earth observations are used in this study. Ourresults show that the majority of the algorithms used can be considered for the detection of multivariate spatiotem-poral events and directly transferred to real Earth observation data as currently assembled in different projectsat the European scale, e.g. http://baci-h2020.eu/index.php/ and http://earthsystemdatacube.net/. Known anomaliessuch as the Russian heatwave are detected as well as anomalies which are not detectable with univariate methods.}, groups = {noveltydetection}, url = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016EGUGA..18.7948F/abstract}, }