@inproceedings{bodesheim2015local, type = {inproceedings}, key = {bodesheim2015local}, title = {Local Novelty Detection in Multi-class Recognition Problems}, author = {Paul Bodesheim and Alexander Freytag and Erik Rodner and Joachim Denzler}, booktitle = {IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, year = {2015}, pages = {813-820}, abstract = {In this paper, we propose using local learning for multiclass novelty detection, a framework that we call local novelty detection. Estimating the novelty of a new sample is an extremely challenging task due to the large variability of known object categories. The features used to judge on the novelty are often very specific for the object in the image and therefore we argue that individual novelty models for each test sample are important. Similar to human experts, it seems intuitive to first look for the most related images thus filtering out unrelated data. Afterwards, the system focuses on discovering similarities and differences to those images only. Therefore, we claim that it is beneficial to solely consider training images most similar to a test sample when deciding about its novelty. Following the principle of local learning, for each test sample a local novelty detection model is learned and evaluated. Our local novelty score turns out to be a valuable indicator for deciding whether the sample belongs to a known category from the training set or to a new, unseen one. With our local novelty detection approach, we achieve state-of-the-art performance in multi-class novelty detection on two popular visual object recognition datasets, Caltech-256 and Image Net. We further show that our framework: (i) can be successfully applied to unknown face detection using the Labeled-Faces-in-the-Wild dataset and (ii) outperforms recent work on attribute-based unfamiliar class detection in fine-grained recognition of bird species on the challenging CUB-200-2011 dataset.}, doi = {10.1109/WACV.2015.113}, groups = {lifelonglearning,noveltydetection}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/WACV.2015.113}, }